Step into the of weight management
Medications can reduce appetite and cravings
Feel full faster, for longer periods of time
Improve how your body responds to sugars
Prescription products require an online consultation with a healthcare provider who will determine if a prescription is appropriate.
What are compounded GLP-1 medications?
Personalized Treatments, Created in Licensed Facilities
Compounded GLP-1 Medications are custom-made in FDA or state Board of Pharmacy licensed facilities based on healthcare provider prescriptions.
High Quality Ingredients, Thoroughly Tested
Compounded GLP-1 Medications use FDA-licensed ingredients, undergoing thorough testing for potency, sterility, and purity.
Differences from Brand-Name Drugs
Compounded drugs are legal and medically-sound, but they do not receive pre-market approval from the FDA. While the active ingredients are the same as brand-name drugs, the dose, route of administration, and efficacy may vary.
1. Schedule a virtual consultation
2. Discuss your history and goals
3. Begin your personal care plan
4. Receive continuous care and support
Effective treatments, tailored to your personal needs
Step into the new era of weight management with our expertly crafted compounded medications, tailored to your unique needs and made with high-quality, FDA-sourced ingredients.
Have more questions?
Our care team will walk you through our treatment options during your first visit. All orders will be fully refunded if our treatments aren’t right for you.
Compounded Semaglutide
Same active ingredient as Ozempic® and Wegovy®.
Compounded Tirzepatide
Same active ingredient as Mounjaro®.
Affordable and effective treatments are just
3 steps away
Complete a medical history form
Schedule your virtual consultation
Begin your personal care plan
Frequently Asked Questions